Other disorders that a person can have are: specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, OCD, dissociative identity disorder, and personality disorder.
Specific phobia is an intense or irrational fear of an object or situation. Some examples of this are the fear of spiders, snakes, heights, and the water. The treatments for this kind of disorder is exposure treatments. Yes this kind of treatment is exactly what it sounds like. A therapist will expose a person to the thing they are afraid of, first it may just be a picture of it as time goes on the object will become more and more real to the person going through the treatment.
Social anxiety disorder is and extreme and unreasonable fear in social situations. Really its the fear of negative judgments and evaluations. Some treatments for social anxiety are medications and psychological counseling.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder or more commonly OCD is when a person has obsessions and compulsions to relieve the anxiety of the obsessions. These obsessions are unwanted, and intrusive thoughts that create an anxiety in a person. To deal with the anxiety a person will do a certain thing to relieve the anxiety they are feeling. Treatments for this kind of disorder are medications and psychological counseling.
Dissociative identity disorder is really multiple personality disorder. This is where a person will have a host personality and alter personalities. These personalities really do exist in the person's mind and they will be very different from the host personality. They will dress differently and even talk differently.
Treatments for this kind of disorder are creative art therapy, cognitive therapy, and medications.
Personality disorders are problems with functioning and having relationships with other people. They will also have harmful personality traits and anti-social personality disorder. To treat this disorder a person would have to first see how bad their case is. If it is mild often they will only have to see their family doctor, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, pharmacist, family members, and social workers. All of these people are needed so that all of the disorders needs are met. If a person has a very bad case the treatment will include psychotherapy, medications, and hospitalization.
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