Monday, November 11, 2013


What most people are familiar with is the psychological disorders. These disorders can range from anxiety of public speaking or hallucinations so real that a person thinks he or she is the President of the United States. A psychological disorder is defined as ,"A psychological disorder, also known as a mental disorder, is a pattern of behavioral or psychological symptoms that impact multiple life areas and/or create distress for the person experiencing these symptoms." (Definition by Kendra Cherry of

There are different fields of disorders that include anxiety, (the most common) dissociative disorders, eating disorders, factitious disorders, impulse-control disorders, mental disorders, and neurocognitive disorders.

Anxiety Disorders:
Dissociative Disorders:
  • Dissociative disorder (formerly known as multiple personality disorder
  • Dissociative fugue
  • Dissociative identity disorder
  • Depersonalization/derealization disorder
Eating Disorders:
Factitious Disorders:
  • Munchausen syndrome
  • Munchausen syndrome by proxy
  • Ganser syndrome
Impulse-Control Disorders:
  • Kleptomania (stealing)
  • Pyromania (fire-starting)
  • Trichotillomania (hair-pulling)
  • Pathological gambling
  • Intermittent explosive disorder
  • Dermatillomania (skin-picking)

1 comment:

  1. This was a really good post about the different kinds of disorders, and I thought it was cool how you gave links to some of the disorders. The layout of your blog also looks really good.
